Friday, August 28, 2009

the impact of english as global language

Good evening all my fantastic group Ramadan mobark for all of you
No one can ignore the fact that English language is international language and now it plays the main role in international communication language between the nations .
Actually the speech which given by professor Allen Maley was very interesting and a good aportionity to meet with native English speaker speak on his language (English language)
He stated that there are many reason behind the globalization of English language one of them is the colonization English expanded by dominating England empire on some countries during the nineteenth century this colonization affect on these country’s language the reason which make these countries use English as a second language if it is not the first .
The other reason is the economic revolution in UNITED KINGDOM which followed by industrial revolution in USA specially after America became the big tower in the world in economy .other reason which made English expansion recent years is the language of Internet and the language of international conference ,which make people try to be update with outside world .
In his talk also he speak about standard language of English and says it is the language which found in written material ,books, newspaper and in literature and TV .finally he spoke about pluricentric model by saying that English has many accents ,American accent, Australian accent Hindu accent even in UK itself more than one accent such as Welsh and Irish .

Thankyou DALAL


hi every one:About quiz on call it is Good and fantastic idea to check our understanding it is OK .i entered the quiz and from one attempt i got 100%for Q1&4 and 97% for Q2 and Q3 i tried three times but unfortunately i got 50% because I do not have background about these terms except 2 or3 i hope to get the knowledge from you as you done before.

thanks DALAL


good morning everyone no one these days donot know the technology, in other words donot have the technology.the technology take its place in all our lives.specially in education. firstly let me define the technology itself, it is the applied the of scientific discoveries to make instroments and tools that simplify our lives and make the jobs we do easier. educational technology is a system where the technology work for education to achieve particular goals ,spcially after the appearance of enternet the educational system becomes go forward and easier than befor and make the students more interactive. in recent years after the technology widespread used in education the relation between the student and teacher has been changed, because the student became surrounded by many digital devices which he can use it in life requests and he can get the information from it,after the teacher was being the only resource previously. so the technology has the main role in education system . there are many kinds of technology used in teaching and learning nowadays like CD, DVD , AND VIDIO. I hope the technology enter all education levels not only academic education .thankyouDALAL

Saturday, August 8, 2009


I visited some websites but I concentrated my evaluation on one website is .It was website deals with some brats of English language and provides language collection of English as a second language and contains a good scientific material . I think it is useful for researchers.
In general, it contains English reference which most important in this part (English idiom, phrasal verbs, irregular verbs grammar glossary .The other parts, teacher resources, tests & quizzes, forum, articles, tool & resources). it is good and useful .There a big number of parts of speech and idiom which arranged alphabetically and quizzes after every lesson for different levels from beginner to advance, and online dictionary can be loaded.
About the phrasal verb gives only definition or equivalent word without example. About multimedia there is no multimedia and this is disadvantage, the font is ok, but the color there is no attractive colors , it is quite and simple, may be because this web is scientific and not like the others which are funny and entertainment.