Friday, August 28, 2009


good morning everyone no one these days donot know the technology, in other words donot have the technology.the technology take its place in all our lives.specially in education. firstly let me define the technology itself, it is the applied the of scientific discoveries to make instroments and tools that simplify our lives and make the jobs we do easier. educational technology is a system where the technology work for education to achieve particular goals ,spcially after the appearance of enternet the educational system becomes go forward and easier than befor and make the students more interactive. in recent years after the technology widespread used in education the relation between the student and teacher has been changed, because the student became surrounded by many digital devices which he can use it in life requests and he can get the information from it,after the teacher was being the only resource previously. so the technology has the main role in education system . there are many kinds of technology used in teaching and learning nowadays like CD, DVD , AND VIDIO. I hope the technology enter all education levels not only academic education .thankyouDALAL

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